Ctrl Shift Fire

When your anxiety shows up, picture it as fire and you have three choices:

Throw more logs in the fire (feed)

Watch the fire (passive)

Put out the fire (interrupt the cycle)

When we add more logs to the fire, you are thinking more anxious thoughts. Those logs can look like catastrophic thinking, all or nothing thinking or mental filtering.  Often times leading yourself to a scenario that may not happen.

When you sit back and watch the fire, you may not throw logs in the fire, but you not making moves to prevent it from spreading.  This can lead to feelings of panic out of nowhere. 

Put the Fire out, this is the opportunity to provide you with relief from your anxiety.  Take note that your relief may not be immediate or perfect.  You can reduce the escalation with tools.  This is the time to slow down, check in with yourself and slow down your thoughts:

1. Write your thoughts down. Schedule time to acknowledge them. 

2. Write down your feelings about the thoughts. Spend time with them.

3. Re-frame your thoughts. Educate them.

4. Recognize the small wins of relief.  

5. Repeat again.

Will you add more logs, watch it or put out the fire of anxiety?

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